Source code for acstore.interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The attribute container store interface."""

import abc
import collections

from acstore.containers import manager as containers_manager

[docs] class AttributeSerializer(object): """Attribute serializer."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def DeserializeValue(self, value): """Deserializes a value. Args: value (object): serialized value. Returns: object: runtime value. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def SerializeValue(self, value): """Serializes a value. Args: value (object): runtime value. Returns: object: serialized value. """
[docs] class AttributeContainerStore(object): """Interface of an attribute container store. Attributes: format_version (int): storage format version. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an attribute container store.""" super(AttributeContainerStore, self).__init__() self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers = collections.Counter() self._containers_manager = containers_manager.AttributeContainersManager self._storage_profiler = None self.format_version = None
def _GetAttributeContainerNextSequenceNumber(self, container_type): """Retrieves the next sequence number of an attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: int: next sequence number. """ self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers[container_type] += 1 return self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers[container_type] def _GetAttributeContainerSchema(self, container_type): """Retrieves the schema of an attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: dict[str, str]: attribute container schema or an empty dictionary if no schema available. """ try: schema = self._containers_manager.GetSchema(container_type) except ValueError: schema = {} return schema @abc.abstractmethod def _RaiseIfNotReadable(self): """Raises if the store is not readable. Raises: OSError: if the store cannot be read from. IOError: if the store cannot be read from. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _RaiseIfNotWritable(self): """Raises if the store is not writable. Raises: OSError: if the store cannot be written to. IOError: if the store cannot be written to. """ def _SetAttributeContainerNextSequenceNumber( self, container_type, next_sequence_number): """Sets the next sequence number of an attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. next_sequence_number (int): next sequence number. """ self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers[ container_type] = next_sequence_number @abc.abstractmethod def _WriteExistingAttributeContainer(self, container): """Writes an existing attribute container to the store. Args: container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _WriteNewAttributeContainer(self, container): """Writes a new attribute container to the store. Args: container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. """
[docs] def AddAttributeContainer(self, container): """Adds a new attribute container. Args: container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. Raises: OSError: if the store cannot be written to. IOError: if the store cannot be written to. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._WriteNewAttributeContainer(container)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Close(self): """Closes the store."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetAttributeContainerByIdentifier(self, container_type, identifier): """Retrieves a specific type of container with a specific identifier. Args: container_type (str): container type. identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): attribute container identifier. Returns: AttributeContainer: attribute container or None if not available. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetAttributeContainerByIndex(self, container_type, index): """Retrieves a specific attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. index (int): attribute container index. Returns: AttributeContainer: attribute container or None if not available. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetAttributeContainers(self, container_type, filter_expression=None): """Retrieves a specific type of attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. filter_expression (Optional[str]): expression to filter the resulting attribute containers by. Returns: generator(AttributeContainer): attribute container generator. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GetNumberOfAttributeContainers(self, container_type): """Retrieves the number of a specific type of attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: int: the number of containers of a specified type. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def HasAttributeContainers(self, container_type): """Determines if a store contains a specific type of attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: bool: True if the store contains the specified type of attribute containers. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Open(self, **kwargs): """Opens the store."""
[docs] def SetStorageProfiler(self, storage_profiler): """Sets the storage profiler. Args: storage_profiler (StorageProfiler): storage profiler. """ self._storage_profiler = storage_profiler
[docs] def UpdateAttributeContainer(self, container): """Updates an existing attribute container. Args: container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. Raises: OSError: if the store cannot be written to. IOError: if the store cannot be written to. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._WriteExistingAttributeContainer(container)
[docs] class AttributeContainerStoreWithReadCache(AttributeContainerStore): """Interface of an attribute container store with read cache. Attributes: format_version (int): storage format version. """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method # The maximum number of cached attribute containers _MAXIMUM_CACHED_CONTAINERS = 32 * 1024
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an attribute container store with read cache.""" super(AttributeContainerStoreWithReadCache, self).__init__() self._attribute_container_cache = collections.OrderedDict()
def _CacheAttributeContainerByIndex(self, attribute_container, index): """Caches a specific attribute container. Args: attribute_container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. index (int): attribute container index. """ if len(self._attribute_container_cache) >= self._MAXIMUM_CACHED_CONTAINERS: self._attribute_container_cache.popitem(last=True) lookup_key = f'{attribute_container.CONTAINER_TYPE:s}.{index:d}' self._attribute_container_cache[lookup_key] = attribute_container self._attribute_container_cache.move_to_end(lookup_key, last=False) def _GetCachedAttributeContainer(self, container_type, index): """Retrieves a specific cached attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. index (int): attribute container index. Returns: AttributeContainer: attribute container or None if not available. """ lookup_key = f'{container_type:s}.{index:d}' attribute_container = self._attribute_container_cache.get(lookup_key, None) if attribute_container: self._attribute_container_cache.move_to_end(lookup_key, last=False) return attribute_container