Source code for acstore.profilers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The profiler classes."""

import codecs
import gzip
import os
import time

[docs] class CPUTimeMeasurement(object): """The CPU time measurement. Attributes: start_sample_time (float): start sample time or None if not set. total_cpu_time (float): total CPU time or None if not set. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes the CPU time measurement.""" super(CPUTimeMeasurement, self).__init__() self._start_cpu_time = None self.start_sample_time = None self.total_cpu_time = None
[docs] def SampleStart(self): """Starts measuring the CPU time.""" self._start_cpu_time = time.perf_counter() self.start_sample_time = time.time() self.total_cpu_time = 0
[docs] def SampleStop(self): """Stops measuring the CPU time.""" if self._start_cpu_time is not None: self.total_cpu_time += time.perf_counter() - self._start_cpu_time
[docs] class StorageProfiler(object): """The storage profiler.""" _FILENAME_PREFIX = 'storage' _FILE_HEADER = ( 'Time\tName\tOperation\tDescription\tProcessing time\tData size\t' 'Compressed data size\n')
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier, path): """Initializes a storage profiler. Sample files are gzip compressed UTF-8 encoded CSV files. Args: identifier (str): identifier of the profiling session used to create the sample filename. path (str): path of the sample file. """ super(StorageProfiler, self).__init__() self._identifier = identifier self._path = path self._profile_measurements = {} self._sample_file = None self._start_time = None
def _WritesString(self, content): """Writes a string to the sample file. Args: content (str): content to write to the sample file. """ content_bytes = codecs.encode(content, 'utf-8') self._sample_file.write(content_bytes)
[docs] @classmethod def IsSupported(cls): """Determines if the profiler is supported. Returns: bool: True if the profiler is supported. """ return True
[docs] def Sample( self, profile_name, operation, description, data_size, compressed_data_size): """Takes a sample of data read or written for profiling. Args: profile_name (str): name of the profile to sample. operation (str): operation, either 'read' or 'write'. description (str): description of the data read. data_size (int): size of the data read in bytes. compressed_data_size (int): size of the compressed data read in bytes. """ measurements = self._profile_measurements.get(profile_name) if measurements: sample_time = measurements.start_sample_time processing_time = measurements.total_cpu_time else: sample_time = time.time() processing_time = 0.0 self._WritesString(( f'{sample_time:f}\t{profile_name:s}\t{operation:s}\t{description:s}\t' f'{processing_time:f}\t{data_size:d}\t{compressed_data_size:d}\n'))
[docs] def Start(self): """Starts the profiler.""" filename = f'{self._FILENAME_PREFIX:s}-{self._identifier:s}.csv.gz' if self._path: filename = os.path.join(self._path, filename) self._sample_file =, 'wb') self._WritesString(self._FILE_HEADER) self._start_time = time.time()
[docs] def StartTiming(self, profile_name): """Starts timing CPU time. Args: profile_name (str): name of the profile to sample. """ if profile_name not in self._profile_measurements: self._profile_measurements[profile_name] = CPUTimeMeasurement() self._profile_measurements[profile_name].SampleStart()
[docs] def Stop(self): """Stops the profiler.""" self._sample_file.close() self._sample_file = None
[docs] def StopTiming(self, profile_name): """Stops timing CPU time. Args: profile_name (str): name of the profile to sample. """ measurements = self._profile_measurements.get(profile_name) if measurements: measurements.SampleStop()