Source code for acstore.sqlite_store

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""SQLite-based attribute container store."""

import ast
import itertools
import json
import os
import pathlib
import sqlite3

from acstore import interface
from acstore.containers import interface as containers_interface
from acstore.helpers import schema as schema_helper

[docs] def PythonAST2SQL(ast_node): """Converts a Python AST to SQL. Args: ast_node (ast.Node): node of the Python AST. Returns: str: SQL statement that represents the node. Raises: TypeError: if the type of node is not supported. """ if isinstance(ast_node, ast.BoolOp): if isinstance(ast_node.op, ast.And): operand = ' AND ' elif isinstance(ast_node.op, ast.Or): operand = ' OR ' else: raise TypeError(ast_node) return operand.join([ PythonAST2SQL(ast_node_value) for ast_node_value in ast_node.values]) if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Compare): if len(ast_node.ops) != 1: raise TypeError(ast_node) if isinstance(ast_node.ops[0], ast.Eq): operator = ' = ' elif isinstance(ast_node.ops[0], ast.NotEq): operator = ' <> ' else: raise TypeError(ast_node) if len(ast_node.comparators) != 1: raise TypeError(ast_node) sql_left = PythonAST2SQL(ast_node.left) sql_right = PythonAST2SQL(ast_node.comparators[0]) return operator.join([sql_left, sql_right]) if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Constant): if isinstance(ast_node.value, str): return f'"{ast_node.value:s}"' return str(ast_node.value) if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Name): return if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Num): return str(ast_node.n) if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Str): return f'"{ast_node.s:s}"' raise TypeError(ast_node)
[docs] class SQLiteSchemaHelper(object): """SQLite schema helper.""" _MAPPINGS = { 'bool': 'INTEGER', 'int': 'INTEGER', 'str': 'TEXT', 'timestamp': 'BIGINT'}
[docs] def GetStorageDataType(self, data_type): """Retrieves the storage data type. Args: data_type (str): schema data type. Returns: str: corresponding SQLite data type. """ return self._MAPPINGS.get(data_type, 'TEXT')
[docs] def DeserializeValue(self, data_type, value): """Deserializes a value. Args: data_type (str): schema data type. value (object): serialized value. Returns: object: runtime value. Raises: IOError: if the schema data type is not supported. OSError: if the schema data type is not supported. """ if not schema_helper.SchemaHelper.HasDataType(data_type): raise IOError(f'Unsupported data type: {data_type:s}') if value is not None: if data_type == 'AttributeContainerIdentifier': identifier = containers_interface.AttributeContainerIdentifier() identifier.CopyFromString(value) value = identifier elif data_type == 'bool': value = bool(value) elif data_type not in self._MAPPINGS: serializer = schema_helper.SchemaHelper.GetAttributeSerializer( data_type, 'json') json_dict = json.loads(value) value = serializer.DeserializeValue(json_dict) return value
[docs] def SerializeValue(self, data_type, value): """Serializes a value. Args: data_type (str): schema data type. value (object): runtime value. Returns: object: serialized value. Raises: IOError: if the schema data type is not supported. OSError: if the schema data type is not supported. """ if not schema_helper.SchemaHelper.HasDataType(data_type): raise IOError(f'Unsupported data type: {data_type:s}') if value is not None: if data_type == 'AttributeContainerIdentifier' and isinstance( value, containers_interface.AttributeContainerIdentifier): value = value.CopyToString() elif data_type == 'bool': value = int(value) elif data_type not in self._MAPPINGS: serializer = schema_helper.SchemaHelper.GetAttributeSerializer( data_type, 'json') # JSON will not serialize certain runtime types like set, therefore # these are cast to list first. if isinstance(value, set): value = list(value) json_dict = serializer.SerializeValue(value) return json.dumps(json_dict) return value
[docs] class SQLiteAttributeContainerStore( interface.AttributeContainerStoreWithReadCache): """SQLite-based attribute container store. Attributes: format_version (int): storage format version. serialization_format (str): serialization format. """ _FORMAT_VERSION = 20230312 # The earliest format version, stored in-file, that this class # is able to append (write). _APPEND_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION = 20230312 # The earliest format version, stored in-file, that this class # is able to upgrade (write new format features). _UPGRADE_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION = 20230312 # The earliest format version, stored in-file, that this class # is able to read. _READ_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION = 20230312 _CREATE_METADATA_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'CREATE TABLE metadata (key TEXT, value TEXT);') _HAS_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' 'WHERE type = "table" AND name = "{0:s}"') _INSERT_METADATA_VALUE_QUERY = ( 'INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)') _MAXIMUM_WRITE_CACHE_SIZE = 50
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes a SQLite attribute container store.""" super(SQLiteAttributeContainerStore, self).__init__() self._connection = None self._cursor = None self._is_open = False self._read_only = True self._schema_helper = SQLiteSchemaHelper() self._write_cache = {} self.format_version = self._FORMAT_VERSION self.serialization_format = 'json'
def _CacheAttributeContainerForWrite( self, container_type, column_names, values): """Caches an attribute container for writing. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. column_names (list[str]): names of the columns. values (list[str]): values for each of the columns. """ write_cache = self._write_cache.get(container_type, [column_names]) write_cache.append(values) if len(write_cache) >= self._MAXIMUM_WRITE_CACHE_SIZE: self._FlushWriteCache(container_type, write_cache) write_cache = [column_names] self._write_cache[container_type] = write_cache def _CheckStorageMetadata(self, metadata_values, check_readable_only=False): """Checks the storage metadata. Args: metadata_values (dict[str, str]): metadata values per key. check_readable_only (Optional[bool]): whether the store should only be checked to see if it can be read. If False, the store will be checked to see if it can be read and written to. Raises: IOError: if the storage metadata is not supported. OSError: if the storage metadata is not supported. """ format_version = metadata_values.get('format_version', None) if not format_version: raise IOError('Missing format version.') try: format_version = int(format_version, 10) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise IOError(f'Invalid format version: {format_version!s}.') if (not check_readable_only and format_version < self._APPEND_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION): raise IOError(( f'Format version: {format_version:d} is too old and can no longer ' f'be written, minimum supported version: ' f'{self._APPEND_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION:d}.')) if format_version < self._READ_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION: raise IOError(( f'Format version: {format_version:d} is too old and can no longer ' f'be read, minimum supported version: ' f'{self._READ_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION:d}.')) if format_version > self._FORMAT_VERSION: raise IOError(( f'Format version: {format_version:d} is too new and not yet ' f'supported, minimum supported version: ' f'{self._FORMAT_VERSION:d}.')) serialization_format = metadata_values.get('serialization_format', None) if serialization_format != 'json': raise IOError( f'Unsupported serialization format: {serialization_format!s}') # Ensure format_version is an integer. metadata_values['format_version'] = format_version def _CommitWriteCache(self, container_type): """Commits the write cache for a specific type of attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. """ write_cache = self._write_cache.get(container_type, []) if len(write_cache) > 1: self._FlushWriteCache(container_type, write_cache) del self._write_cache[container_type] def _CreateAttributeContainerTable(self, container_type): """Creates a table for a specific attribute container type. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. """ schema = self._GetAttributeContainerSchema(container_type) if not schema: raise IOError(f'Unsupported attribute container type: {container_type:s}') column_definitions = ['_identifier INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'] for name, data_type in sorted(schema.items()): data_type = self._schema_helper.GetStorageDataType(data_type) column_definitions.append(f'{name:s} {data_type:s}') column_definitions = ', '.join(column_definitions) query = f'CREATE TABLE {container_type:s} ({column_definitions:s});' try: self._cursor.execute(query) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) def _CreateAttributeContainerFromRow( self, container_type, column_names, row, first_column_index): """Creates an attribute container of a row in the database. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. column_names (list[str]): names of the columns selected. row (sqlite.Row): row as a result from a SELECT query. first_column_index (int): index of the first column in row. Returns: AttributeContainer: attribute container. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. """ schema = self._GetAttributeContainerSchema(container_type) if not schema: raise IOError(f'Unsupported attribute container type: {container_type:s}') container = self._containers_manager.CreateAttributeContainer( container_type) for column_index, name in enumerate(column_names): row_value = row[first_column_index + column_index] if row_value is not None: data_type = schema[name] try: attribute_value = self._schema_helper.DeserializeValue( data_type, row_value) except IOError: raise IOError(( f'Unsupported attribute container type: {container_type:s} ' f'attribute: {name:s} data type: {data_type:s}')) setattr(container, name, attribute_value) return container def _Flush(self): """Ensures cached data is written to file. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ for container_type, write_cache in self._write_cache.items(): if len(write_cache) > 1: self._FlushWriteCache(container_type, write_cache) self._write_cache = {} # We need to run commit or not all data is stored in the database. self._connection.commit() def _FlushWriteCache(self, container_type, write_cache): """Flushes attribute container values cached for writing. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. write_cache (list[tuple[str]]): cached attribute container values. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ column_names = write_cache.pop(0) value_statement = ','.join(['?'] * len(column_names)) value_statement = f'({value_statement:s})' values_statement = ', '.join([value_statement] * len(write_cache)) column_names_string = ', '.join(column_names) query = (f'INSERT INTO {container_type:s} ({column_names_string:s}) ' f'VALUES {values_statement:s}') if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StartTiming('write_new') try: values = list(itertools.chain(*write_cache)) self._cursor.execute(query, values) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) finally: if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StopTiming('write_new') def _GetAttributeContainersWithFilter( self, container_type, column_names=None, filter_expression=None, order_by=None): """Retrieves a specific type of stored attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. column_names (Optional[list[str]]): names of the columns to retrieve. filter_expression (Optional[str]): SQL expression to filter results by. order_by (Optional[str]): name of a column to order the results by. Yields: AttributeContainer: attribute container. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ self._CommitWriteCache(container_type) if self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers[container_type]: column_names_string = ', '.join(column_names) query = (f'SELECT _identifier, {column_names_string:s} ' f'FROM {container_type:s}') if filter_expression: query = ' WHERE '.join([query, filter_expression]) if order_by: query = ' ORDER BY '.join([query, order_by]) # Use a local cursor to prevent another query interrupting the generator. cursor = self._connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store for container: ' f'{container_type:s} with error: {exception!s}')) if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StartTiming('get_containers') try: row = cursor.fetchone() finally: if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StopTiming('get_containers') while row: container = self._CreateAttributeContainerFromRow( container_type, column_names, row, 1) identifier = containers_interface.AttributeContainerIdentifier( name=container_type, sequence_number=row[0]) container.SetIdentifier(identifier) yield container if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StartTiming('get_containers') try: row = cursor.fetchone() finally: if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StopTiming('get_containers') def _GetNumberOfAttributeContainerRows(self, container_type): """Retrieves the number of attribute container rows. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: int: the number of rows of a specified attribute container type. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ self._CommitWriteCache(container_type) if not self._HasTable(container_type): return 0 # Note that this is SQLite specific, and will give inaccurate results if # there are DELETE commands run on the table. acstore does not run any # DELETE commands. query = f'SELECT MAX(_ROWID_) FROM {container_type:s} LIMIT 1' try: self._cursor.execute(query) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) row = self._cursor.fetchone() if not row: return 0 return row[0] or 0 def _HasTable(self, table_name): """Determines if a specific table exists. Args: table_name (str): name of the table. Returns: bool: True if the table exists, false otherwise. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ query = self._HAS_TABLE_QUERY.format(table_name) try: self._cursor.execute(query) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) return bool(self._cursor.fetchone()) def _RaiseIfNotReadable(self): """Raises if the attribute container store is not readable. Raises: IOError: when the attribute container store is closed. OSError: when the attribute container store is closed. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed attribute container store.') def _RaiseIfNotWritable(self): """Raises if the attribute container store is not writable. Raises: IOError: when the attribute container store is closed or read-only. OSError: when the attribute container store is closed or read-only. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Unable to write to closed attribute container store.') if self._read_only: raise IOError('Unable to write to read-only attribute container store.') def _ReadAndCheckStorageMetadata(self, check_readable_only=False): """Reads storage metadata and checks that the values are valid. Args: check_readable_only (Optional[bool]): whether the store should only be checked to see if it can be read. If False, the store will be checked to see if it can be read and written to. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ metadata_values = self._ReadMetadata() self._CheckStorageMetadata( metadata_values, check_readable_only=check_readable_only) self.format_version = metadata_values['format_version'] self.serialization_format = metadata_values['serialization_format'] def _ReadMetadata(self): """Reads metadata. Returns: dict[str, str]: metadata values. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ query = 'SELECT key, value FROM metadata' try: self._cursor.execute(query) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) return {row[0]: row[1] for row in self._cursor.fetchall()} def _UpdateStorageMetadataFormatVersion(self): """Updates the storage metadata format version. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ if self.format_version >= self._UPGRADE_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION: query = (f'UPDATE metadata SET value = {self._FORMAT_VERSION:d} ' f'WHERE key = "format_version"') try: self._cursor.execute(query) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) def _WriteExistingAttributeContainer(self, container): """Writes an existing attribute container to the store. The table for the container type must exist. Args: container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. """ self._CommitWriteCache(container.CONTAINER_TYPE) identifier = container.GetIdentifier() schema = self._GetAttributeContainerSchema(container.CONTAINER_TYPE) if not schema: raise IOError( f'Unsupported attribute container type: {container.CONTAINER_TYPE:s}') column_names = [] row_values = [] for name, data_type in sorted(schema.items()): attribute_value = getattr(container, name, None) try: row_value = self._schema_helper.SerializeValue( data_type, attribute_value) except IOError: raise IOError(( f'Unsupported attribute container type: ' f'{container.CONTAINER_TYPE:s} attribute: {name:s} data type: ' f'{data_type:s}')) column_names.append(f'{name:s} = ?') row_values.append(row_value) column_names_string = ', '.join(column_names) query = (f'UPDATE {container.CONTAINER_TYPE:s} SET {column_names_string:s} ' f'WHERE _identifier = {identifier.sequence_number:d}') if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StartTiming('write_existing') try: self._cursor.execute(query, row_values) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) finally: if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StopTiming('write_existing') def _WriteMetadata(self): """Writes metadata. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ try: self._cursor.execute(self._CREATE_METADATA_TABLE_QUERY) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) self._WriteMetadataValue('format_version', f'{self._FORMAT_VERSION:d}') self._WriteMetadataValue('serialization_format', self.serialization_format) def _WriteMetadataValue(self, key, value): """Writes a metadata value. Args: key (str): key of the storage metadata. value (str): value of the storage metadata. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store. """ try: self._cursor.execute(self._INSERT_METADATA_VALUE_QUERY, (key, value)) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) def _WriteNewAttributeContainer(self, container): """Writes a new attribute container to the store. The table for the container type is created if needed. Args: container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. """ next_sequence_number = self._GetAttributeContainerNextSequenceNumber( container.CONTAINER_TYPE) if (next_sequence_number == 1 and not self._HasTable(container.CONTAINER_TYPE)): self._CreateAttributeContainerTable(container.CONTAINER_TYPE) identifier = containers_interface.AttributeContainerIdentifier( name=container.CONTAINER_TYPE, sequence_number=next_sequence_number) container.SetIdentifier(identifier) schema = self._GetAttributeContainerSchema(container.CONTAINER_TYPE) if not schema: raise IOError( f'Unsupported attribute container type: {container.CONTAINER_TYPE:s}') column_names = [] row_values = [] for name, data_type in sorted(schema.items()): attribute_value = getattr(container, name, None) try: row_value = self._schema_helper.SerializeValue( data_type, attribute_value) except IOError: raise IOError(( f'Unsupported attribute container type: ' f'{container.CONTAINER_TYPE:s} attribute: {name:s} data type: ' f'{data_type:s}')) column_names.append(name) row_values.append(row_value) self._CacheAttributeContainerForWrite( container.CONTAINER_TYPE, column_names, row_values) self._CacheAttributeContainerByIndex(container, next_sequence_number - 1)
[docs] @classmethod def CheckSupportedFormat(cls, path): """Checks if the attribute container store format is supported. Args: path (str): path to the attribute container store. Returns: bool: True if the format is supported. """ # Check if the path is an existing file, to prevent sqlite3 creating # an emtpy database file. if not os.path.isfile(path): return False try: connection = sqlite3.connect( path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) cursor = connection.cursor() query = 'SELECT * FROM metadata' cursor.execute(query) metadata_values = {row[0]: row[1] for row in cursor.fetchall()} format_version = metadata_values.get('format_version', None) if format_version: try: format_version = int(format_version, 10) result = True except (TypeError, ValueError): pass connection.close() except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError, sqlite3.DatabaseError): result = False return result
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the file. Raises: IOError: if the attribute container store is already closed. OSError: if the attribute container store is already closed. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Attribute container store already closed.') if self._connection: self._Flush() self._connection.close() self._connection = None self._cursor = None self._is_open = False
[docs] def GetAttributeContainerByIdentifier(self, container_type, identifier): """Retrieves a specific type of container with a specific identifier. Args: container_type (str): container type. identifier (AttributeContainerIdentifier): attribute container identifier. Returns: AttributeContainer: attribute container or None if not available. Raises: IOError: when the store is closed or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. OSError: when the store is closed or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. """ return self.GetAttributeContainerByIndex( container_type, identifier.sequence_number - 1)
[docs] def GetAttributeContainerByIndex(self, container_type, index): """Retrieves a specific attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. index (int): attribute container index. Returns: AttributeContainer: attribute container or None if not available. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. """ container = self._GetCachedAttributeContainer(container_type, index) if container: return container self._CommitWriteCache(container_type) if not self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers[container_type]: return None schema = self._GetAttributeContainerSchema(container_type) if not schema: raise IOError(f'Unsupported attribute container type: {container_type:s}') column_names = sorted(schema.keys()) column_names_string = ', '.join(column_names) row_number = index + 1 query = (f'SELECT {column_names_string:s} FROM {container_type:s} WHERE ' f'rowid = {row_number:d}') try: self._cursor.execute(query) except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StartTiming('get_container_by_index') try: row = self._cursor.fetchone() finally: if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.StopTiming('get_container_by_index') if not row: return None container = self._CreateAttributeContainerFromRow( container_type, column_names, row, 0) identifier = containers_interface.AttributeContainerIdentifier( name=container_type, sequence_number=row_number) container.SetIdentifier(identifier) self._CacheAttributeContainerByIndex(container, index) return container
[docs] def GetAttributeContainers(self, container_type, filter_expression=None): """Retrieves a specific type of stored attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. filter_expression (Optional[str]): expression to filter the resulting attribute containers by. Returns: generator(AttributeContainer): attribute container generator. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. OSError: when there is an error querying the attribute container store or if an unsupported attribute container is provided. """ schema = self._GetAttributeContainerSchema(container_type) if not schema: raise IOError(f'Unsupported attribute container type: {container_type:s}') column_names = sorted(schema.keys()) sql_filter_expression = None if filter_expression: expression_ast = ast.parse(filter_expression, mode='eval') sql_filter_expression = PythonAST2SQL(expression_ast.body) return self._GetAttributeContainersWithFilter( container_type, column_names=column_names, filter_expression=sql_filter_expression)
[docs] def GetNumberOfAttributeContainers(self, container_type): """Retrieves the number of a specific type of attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: int: the number of containers of a specified type. """ return self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers[container_type]
[docs] def HasAttributeContainers(self, container_type): """Determines if store contains a specific type of attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: bool: True if the store contains the specified type of attribute containers. """ return self._attribute_container_sequence_numbers[container_type] > 0
[docs] def Open(self, path=None, read_only=True, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Opens the store. Args: path (Optional[str]): path to the attribute container store. read_only (Optional[bool]): True if the file should be opened in read-only mode. Raises: IOError: if the attribute container store is already opened or if the database cannot be connected. OSError: if the attribute container store is already opened or if the database cannot be connected. ValueError: if path is missing. """ if self._is_open: raise IOError('Attribute container store already opened.') if not path: raise ValueError('Missing path.') path = os.path.abspath(path) try: path_uri = pathlib.Path(path).as_uri() if read_only: path_uri = f'{path_uri:s}?mode=ro' except ValueError: path_uri = None detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES if path_uri: connection = sqlite3.connect( path_uri, detect_types=detect_types, isolation_level='DEFERRED', uri=True) else: connection = sqlite3.connect( path, detect_types=detect_types, isolation_level='DEFERRED') try: # Use in-memory journaling mode to reduce IO. connection.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY') # Turn off insert transaction integrity since we want to do bulk insert. connection.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF') except (sqlite3.InterfaceError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as exception: raise IOError(( f'Unable to query attribute container store with error: ' f'{exception!s}')) cursor = connection.cursor() if not cursor: return self._connection = connection self._cursor = cursor self._is_open = True self._read_only = read_only if read_only: self._ReadAndCheckStorageMetadata(check_readable_only=True) else: if not self._HasTable('metadata'): self._WriteMetadata() else: self._ReadAndCheckStorageMetadata() # Update the storage metadata format version in case we are adding # new format features that are not backwards compatible. self._UpdateStorageMetadataFormatVersion() self._connection.commit() # Initialize next_sequence_number based on the file contents so that # AttributeContainerIdentifier points to the correct attribute container. for container_type in self._containers_manager.GetContainerTypes(): next_sequence_number = self._GetNumberOfAttributeContainerRows( container_type) self._SetAttributeContainerNextSequenceNumber( container_type, next_sequence_number)